“I was referred to Dr. Nouri over a year ago by my primary care physician. I had persistent eye issues that seemed to appear out of nowhere. My initial surprise was that Dr. Nouri, herself, returned my telephone call within a day. She actually apologized for making me wait. (less than 24 hours !) The combination of her professionalism, knowledge, warmth, and genuine caring, was
simply amazing to me. I saw her regularly for the past year. She would call me in between visits to make sure I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. My eye problems have been taken care of. I recently moved to Florida and we have had more follow up calls and Face Time appointments. She has referred me to a colleague of hers in my area, since this will be my permanent home. My best comfort level would be if Dr. Nouri decided that she had enough of New England winters, and moved her practice to my neighborhood ! As you can see, I would highly recommend this very special woman, if you are in need of a new ophthalmologist.”
Sincerely yours,
R. W T, Brookline MA and Florida
P.S. She has delicious chocolates in her waiting room!